Category Archives: Behavior

Got Re-entry Stress?

Here in the United States we are fortunate to be on the tail of this [...]

Sending Light

Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, just wrapped up. 2020 made it different. The extra light [...]

Be Real With What Is

Besides the fact that I love fall weather (sweater weather, of course!), one of the [...]


I know how daunting it can feel, with everything you’ve got going on right now [...]


It’s life, and things don’t always go our way. Or how we planned. Or expected. [...]

You’re Doing a Great Job.

This is all brutally hard, isn’t it? So many people in my world have been [...]


Weathering the Storm

As I’m writing this, it’s raining. Perfect! Thank you, March, for making my point. To [...]

Last Month of the Decade

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Hashtag Gratitude

Holy whiplash, just like that, here we are mid-November. Is it me, or does the [...]


We are now in the Days of Awe. For real! By the Jewish calendar, these [...]