Category Archives: Behavior


Oh heyyyyy Valentine’s Day! You again? You with your high unrealistic expectations, your sappy gushy [...]

There is Only One YOU

I happen to currently have a couple of clients working on writing a book. For [...]

Well, That Happened…

Ok, so even though I don’t believe in resolutions and broad sweeping goals for the [...]

Imposter Complex?

I’ve had a LOT of requests for support on ‘Imposter Complex.’ It was the big [...]

Distraction/Shiny Object Syndrome

Laundry, dishes, social media – OH MY. Routinely seeing your your time evaporating by tasks [...]


Ever found yourself eyeing a particular goal – something that feels really BIG and really [...]

Making Magic

Sometimes magic happens in my work with clients. This shows up as simple perspective shifts [...]

The holidays? Already?

And just like that, the holidays are upon us again. To me, it feels like [...]

Betty the Dog, Present

On a recent flight, I couldn’t help but watch the movie A Dog’s Purpose. A [...]


Mood Uppers

I talk a lot with clients about self care and little things to make ourselves [...]