Category Archives: Reactivity
Your Biggest YES
The Olympics wrapped last weekend, and I can’t stop thinking about the epic display of [...]
Intentional: Definitely Not Frou Frou
Last week I wrote about how important it is to be intentional about creating the [...]
Got Re-entry Stress?
Here in the United States we are fortunate to be on the tail of this [...]
Your New Life Blend
March marked the official one-year mark of the pandemic, and “What a year!” is an [...]
Sending Light
Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, just wrapped up. 2020 made it different. The extra light [...]
Hope you can make it on December 98
I received an email this week, an invitation to an event, which said “I really [...]
The Powerful Pause
This month I’ve been trying to help you regain your focus, and I hope my [...]
What Will You Quit?
Last week I wrote about the importance of controlling what you can. I know this [...]
Control What You Can
Anyone else have news cycle whiplash? Are you overwhelmed with just trying to keep up [...]