Category Archives: Self-care

Got Re-entry Stress?

Here in the United States we are fortunate to be on the tail of this [...]

Your New Life Blend

March marked the official one-year mark of the pandemic, and “What a year!” is an [...]

How are you 🧡?

It’s been a weird few weeks for me. While Texas is not in the news [...]

Step by Step

2021 is here, and I’m so curious to know how’s it going so far for [...]

My December Wish For You.

Normally (what is normal?), this time (what is time?) of year (2020, sheesh), I’m thinking, [...]

Finding Space

Here we are in the United States on the other side of Election Day. As [...]

September Self-Care

We’re past Labor Day and you know what that means: “Back to work.” Labor day, [...]

*Back to School*

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. The more you apply structure to your [...]

Breaking Up with Perfection

Whew  – it’s about to be August. Say what? Wait a minute . . . [...]


It’s life, and things don’t always go our way. Or how we planned. Or expected. [...]