Category Archives: Survival


Believe it or not, I am a recovering people pleaser.  . My inability to set [...]

How are you?

This question gets thrown about so blithely, and I really struggle with it. . In [...]

Got Re-entry Stress?

Here in the United States we are fortunate to be on the tail of this [...]

The Before and The After

Based on responses to my last post about finding Your New Life Blend, and the [...]

Your New Life Blend

March marked the official one-year mark of the pandemic, and “What a year!” is an [...]

How are you 🧡?

It’s been a weird few weeks for me. While Texas is not in the news [...]

Finding Space

Here we are in the United States on the other side of Election Day. As [...]

Control What You Can

Anyone else have news cycle whiplash? Are you overwhelmed with just trying to keep up [...]

Be Real With What Is

Besides the fact that I love fall weather (sweater weather, of course!), one of the [...]

September Self-Care

We’re past Labor Day and you know what that means: “Back to work.” Labor day, [...]