Know Your Values

Every year at this time, I start thinking about the big picture for my business and life. I really lean into the transitional nature of autumn. For me, fall is such a fleeting season, making way for winter, which stays for a good long while. The busyness of the holiday season, with its emphasis on gratitude and undercurrent of transitions—it’s all got me a bit in my feelings.
Lately I’m revisiting my core values, which I keep handy to stay grounded and focused on what drives me. This is an important reminder of why I do any of the work I do.
Have you identified values that root you in your purpose?
I love how 
identifying our values provides guideposts for a vision of the life we want to have. Our values help us to remain focused on moving towards that vision. We can avoid being reactive or impulsive in our decision-making, and feel a sense of control on our journey.
Our values are BOUNDARIES (my favorite!) around our behavior, help us set limits around what will and won’t work for us, enable us say more NO and less YES, and generally keep us on track with the kind of human we want to be.
A good way to start? Try some on for size! Here’s a list of prompts to get you started. Pick THREE (not thirty-three!!). Put them on a post-it, or several post-its, and place them in places you see frequently. Observe how you feel –both about them and generally. Personally, this feels like a nice activity for this holiday week — I’m so curious to see if they ground you the way they do me. Let me know what you think?

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