What’s in the water?

If you’re like me, lately there are a lot of people around you who are feeling the need to make big changes. And when people feel dissatisfied and compelled to shake things up, they tend to worry and stress everyone around them.
Or perhaps this describes
you yourself, wanting to shake things up.
Whew, I have been there. I have absolutely been the person that has all the folks stressed and worried. Today it’s not me, but who knows about tomorrow.
Times of turmoil and change can be painful, but sometimes there’s a bright side. For example, the reason my parents started speaking again after their divorce was over their concern about my divorce. The pain of my own first marriage ending caused my family of origin to finally become truly blended, friendly, and fun—a bright side to a dark situation for sure.
I don’t know what’s causing all this tumult, but I have some guesses. Perhaps it’s people finding their way out of three years of a pandemic and assessing what they want their future to look like. Perhaps it’s turning a certain age (me and many of my pals!), and again, taking a hard look at their life. Perhaps it’s something in the water, in the air, in the moon and the stars. I don’t fully know, and I don’t know that it matters to know why things feel off-kilter.
Because the truth is, the one thing I know about life is that the waves keep coming. 
Our choice when it comes to waves? To surf or to drown. My guess, if you’re reading this, is that you’re interested in surfing.
Me too.
Learning to surf is the heart of designing an intentional life, of designing Your New Life Blend. Wanting to be responsive and thoughtful to what comes your way, rather than reacting out of habit is some of the hardest work we do. It’s hard to shift deeply ingrained patterns of behavior–namely, how we react in knee-jerk fashion.
It’s hard, but it’s so SO worth it.
And if you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I feel this moment–the heels of a 100-year cataclysmic storm–is the moment to consider what you want out of this life. Highly recommend this worksheet to get you started thinking about how to design a life that works for you.
Need a change? Try the worksheet out and let me know how you do with it. I’m in the middle of building new workshops and tools to take this even deeper, and your feedback would help of course. Mainly though, I want you to have a tool to get unstuck.
First things first though–if you’re one of those who’s suffering right now through a time when the status quo doesn’t feel comfortable and change feels scary, please know you are not alone. Take deep breaths, make sure to connect and get support. Hit reply and let me know how I can help.
Surfing may be a solo sport, but navigating life doesn’t have to be.
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